S David 39da8a0609
Some checks reported errors
buildbot/elemental-game-linux-builder Build done.
buildbot/elemental-game-macos-builder Build done.
buildbot/elemental-game-freebsd-builder Build done.
ResourceEditor can now list directories and open text files.
2024-04-28 18:23:42 -04:00

2.9 KiB

Elemental Game and Custom-built Game Engine

A game and custom-built game engine designed for creating simple, top-down strategy games. This README provides an overview of the project, its design principles, goals, and instructions for building and testing.

CI/CD Build Status

Arch Linux FreeBSD 14.0 macOS Windows
Build Status Build Status Build Status TBD

Getting Started

Build Tools

  • CMake (version 3.21 or higher)
  • C++17-compatible compiler

Project Structure

  • src/: Contains the engine logic, defines a libray target
  • apps/: Contains the game source, as well as source for resource editors, all consumers of the engine target
  • test/: Contains unit tests

Library Dependencies

  • Catch2 v3: Test framework for C++ (can be fetched using FetchContent).
  • FakeIt: Mocking framework for C++ (fetched using FetchContent).
  • SDL2: A cross-platform development library providing low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, and display functions.
  • SDL2_Image: An extension library for SDL2, offering support for loading various image file formats.
  • SDL2_Gfx: A graphics primitive extension library for SDL2, providing additional functionality for efficient graphics rendering.

Building the Project

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <URL>
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd  elemental-game
  3. Configure your build system:

    cmake -B debug -G Unix Makefiles
    # or
    cmake -B debug -G Ninja   # this is faster and more modern
  4. Invoke your build system

    cmake --build debug

Running Unit Tests

  1. After building the project, you can run the unit tests:

    cmake --build --target ctest

This will execute the Catch2 test suite.


I am not against recieving contributions and help, but I retain the right to determine the general direction of this project. That being said, feel free to fork this project and use it as a base for your own - just make sure to comply with the Mozilla Public License. (See here)

Official rules for contribution might be outlined in a CONTRIBUTING.md at some point in the future, as needed.


This project is licensed under the MPL 2.0 License.

Catch2, which is used for unit-testing is © Catch2 authors, and is licensed under the Boost Software License v1.0 FakeIt, is also used for unit-testing and is © Eran Pe'er and is licensed under the MIT License