2023-12-09 21:42:23 +00:00

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C++20 CMake Project Template

This is a simple C++20 project template using CMake for building and Catch2 v3 along with FakeIt for unit testing. The project is set up to fetch Catch2 and FakeIt using CMake's FetchContent command if they are not found on the system.

Getting Started


  • CMake (version 3.21 or higher)
  • C++20-compatible compiler
  • Catch2 installed on your system if you want to speed up compile time

Building the Project

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd your-project
  3. Configure your build system:

    cmake -B debug -G Unix Makefiles
    # or
    cmake -B debug -G Ninja 
  4. Invoke your build system

    cmake --build debug

Running Unit Tests

  1. After building the project, you can run the unit tests:

    cmake --build --target ctest

This will execute the Catch2 test suite.

Project Structure

  • src/: Contains the application logic, defines a libray target
  • app/: Contains the application source, consumer of the library target
  • test/: Contains unit tests using Catch2 and FakeIt.


  • Catch2 v3: Test framework for C++ (can be fetched using FetchContent).
  • FakeIt: Mocking framework for C++ (fetched using FetchContent).


This project is licensed under the MIT License.