2 Game Design Document
sdaveb edited this page 2022-08-15 02:56:05 -04:00

Game Design Document


The game this one is based on, Populous: The Beginning works as follows:

  • You control people of one tribe, pitted against 3 other tribes, who each want to conquer the planet.

  • Each game starts on a different planet, with a different map, containing oceans, and land-masses of various sizes

Unit Types

  • Villager - Basic follower, available from start in groups of 6 or 8.

    • Abilities:
      • Construction
      • Dismantle
      • Fighting
      • Chop Wood
      • Guard
    • Buffs:
      • Generates 4x mana while in hut
      • Generates highest amount of mana
    • Spawned from used huts
  • Brawler - Basic Melee Combat Unit

    • Abilities:
      • Fight (Close-Combat)
      • Guard
    • Buffs:
      • Armour halves physical damage
      • Magic damage unchanged
      • Deals double damage
      • Double the HP of a villager
      • Generates half-mana
    • Trained from villagers when sent to the Brawler Training Hut
  • Warlock

    • Abilities:
      • Fight (melee)
      • Spells
        • Blast
        • Shield
      • Guard
    • Buffs:
      • Half-Damage at close combat
      • Normal Defense
      • Resists magic damage
      • Deals double damage to clerics
      • Same HP as villager
      • Generates half-mana
    • Trained from villagers when sent to the Warlock Academy Hut
  • Cleric

    • Abilities:
      • Fight (melee)
      • Preach
      • Guard
    • Buffs:
      • Half Defense
      • Half-Damage to all units except other clerics
      • No resistance to magic
      • Same HP as villager
      • Generates half-mana when not preaching
    • Trained from villagers when sent to a basilica
  • Shaman

    • Abilities:
      • Fight (melee)
      • Spells (20+)
      • Guard
    • Buffs:
      • Generates 10x mana as villager
      • 3x villagers' HP
      • deals same damage as villager
    • Reincarnates if there are still followers left
    • On death, loses 50% of mana to killing village